Schedule of Events

Application Dates

**2025 Applications open soon**

  • Your references should email their letters directly to Dr. Myron Bruce at
  • Mid/Late March: Decision letter will be emailed to the applicants.

Before You Arrive

A group video orientation will be held in late April with program coordinators. You will be introduced to other interns, and briefed on the schedule and logistical details.

Sample Program

Most weeks will follow a similar schedule to facilitate planning of work schedules in the host labs. All weeks will include these elements:

  1. Professional development (Prof. Dev.): Interns in plant pathology REEU will join the workshops offered by the Consortium of Undergraduate Research Experience Programs (CUREP). On weeks without a CUREP workshop we will offer sessions on ethics, video interview skills, and international agriculture development.
  2. Field trips: Weeks 1-8 will have a half- or full-day field trip for hands-on experiential learning about research and extension in different agricultural systems.
  3. Agricultural data analytics activities: Each week will have a 1-2 hour group session focused on Food and Agriculture Cyberinformatics and Tools (FACT). The group sessions are intended to develop skills in the entire cohort and give all students exposure to different types of data including bioinformatics, high-throughput phenotyping, and large-scale field data at a conceptual level appropriate to the interns.

Contact Us

Project Director
Dr. Megan Kennelly
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Project Coordinator
Dr. Myron Bruce
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Project Co-Director
Dr. David Cook
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